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The Diploma of Ministerial Studies from Faith City Bible Institute (FCBI) is a three-year program designed to build upon the breadth, depth, and application of Biblical doctrine. Upon completing this program, students will have a solid, Biblical foundation that will be useful for life and ministry, as well as the scriptural inspiration to practice the Word of God. We have a variety of academic opportunities at FCBI. Continue reading to learn more, or contact us today to enroll!

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Year 1 Modules

In year one of your learning, we'll work to instill a spirit of faith through teaching, promote principles of excellence in discipline and organization, and teach effective methods of using Biblical study tools. Some of the classes you can expect include:

  • Christan Apologetics 1

  • Divine Health

  • Dynamics of Prayer

  • Hermeneutics 1

  • Jesus in the Old Testament

  • Principles of Faith

  • Prosperity

  • The Authority of the Believer

  • Understanding God’s Call to Ministry

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Year 2 Modules

In the second year, we work to enhance your knowledge, appreciation, and understanding of God's word. We also work to develop your character of humility and integrity while developing a high level of commitment to service. The classes this year include:

  • Christian Apologetics 2

  • Covenant

  • Christian Conduct

  • Integrity, Character, and Ethics

  • Ministry Gifts

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Servanthood

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Year 3 Modules

For the third year of learning, we work to develop wisdom and insight for accomplishing various duties associated with Christian ministry, provide practical application of the essential skills needed to achieve effectiveness and success, and provide the proper elements of sermon preparation and presentation. The courses here will include:

  • Servant Leadership 1

  • Servant Leadership 2

  • Christian Counseling 1

  • Christian Counseling 2

  • Kingdom Planning

  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  • Pulpit Decorum

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Student Ministry Practicum Program

The goal of the Student Ministry Practicum (SMP) Program is for the student to apply what he or she has learned in class to real-life circumstances. Ministry work is about worshipping God and ministering to people. We are each destined to accomplish this purpose in our own unique ways. In the SMP you will work to answer these two main questions:

  • Do you know the purpose and plan God has for you?

  • Have you uncovered your passion for serving?

Beyond that, the SMP is designed to help you understand and implement the concepts you have learned in the classroom into real situations of teaching and leadership.

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Learning On Campus Or Online

We understand that not everyone is able to relocate to attend school. That's why we offer the option of learning online! You'll have the same great experience and get the same diploma, whether you're on campus or learning remotely.

On Campus Online

If you're interested in enrolling at FCBI, we encourage you to reach out to us today! We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started on the path to earning your degree.