What We Believe & Teach

Mission of Faith City Bible Institute

FCBI is an institution of higher learning that exists to bring glory to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ through the work of Holy Spirit. The mission of the FCBI is to provide an exemplary education from a Biblical worldview, thereby developing Christian growth in aspiring servant-leaders, and preparing them for service locally and globally in pivotal ministries and professions that will transform society.

General Objectives

The students who graduate from FCBI shall be able to:

  • State unreservedly that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that it is the standard of faith in thought and action,
  • Serve in their God-ordained assignments with excellence, integrity, and with a spirit of faith,
  • Demonstrate that he/she has a basic knowledge of the Bible with the ability to lead people to the Lord by precept and example,
  • Demonstrate a capacity for personal growth through individual assessment, reflection, and even the promise of discovery accompanied by an ability to think critically and creatively, drawing on information retrieval and analysis to solve problems,
  • Give evidence of having been stimulated toward continued growth in biblical knowledge, student ministries, Christian citizenship, and scholarly competence as reflected in records which give comparative evidence of progress,
  • Communicate ideas and information accurately, logically, and effectively in both written and oral form,
  • Apply the teaching of Scripture in the shaping of a Biblical worldview for life and one’s chosen profession.

Core Values


FCBI has as its focal point the teachings, practices and person of Jesus Christ.


FCBI embodies the concept of “the Just living by faith”, and therefore exemplifies a lifestyle governed by the Word of God which has, and will have, a transforming effect on society.


FCBI is recognized for its excellence in education, scholarship, service and workplace. Christ demands it and our constituents deserve nothing less.


In all activities, FCBI will display the highest level of integrity. Our bonds are based on trust; and we endeavor to maintain that trust with faculty, staff, students and others who interact with us.


FCBI will continue to be innovative in order to remain at the forefront of higher education, and will implement educational and technological changes as the world in which we operate demands it.