Message from the President

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Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and welcome to Faith City Bible Institute!

Faith City Bible Institute was established to fulfill the vision of its Founder and Chancellor, Dr. Michael A. Freeman, who is also the Senior Pastor of Faith City Central. Its ongoing mission is to provide Christian education and training to the masses regardless of race, gender, or denominational background. Additionally, it is the intent of FCBI, to assist anointed men and women who possess a “pure heart” to serve in their God-ordained assignment with excellence, with integrity, and with a “Spirit of Faith.”

Faith City Bible Institute's programs are designed to be both rewarding and challenging! Our leadership team has developed a life changing curriculum designed to help prepare both ministers and lay persons in fulfilling God’s call in their lives with courses such as, Authority of the Believer, Covenant, Understanding God’s Call to Ministry, Servant Leadership, and Dynamics of Prayer to name a few. The Principles of Faith are designed to increase your capacity to believe and an introduction into Christian Apologetics which will give you the tools to stand firm on your belief in Jesus Christ.

FCBI has established a dynamic process of online education to extend training and education to students within the United States and around the world. Over the years, FCBI has transitioned from an internal, church member focused “Ministers Internship Program”, trained by our Founder and Chancellor, Dr. Michael A. Freeman, to an academically vetted institution as an affiliate of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). FCBI is headquartered in Temple Hills, Maryland and operates worldwide via its online platforms.

In alignment with the growth of Faith City Central, FCBI has become a catalyst of next-level living and learning. We are truly excited about the things God has done and continues to do here at FCBI and we look forward to seeing each student go and grow from one level of faith to another level of faith in the inerrant Word of God.

As you continue building upon the foundation established through study, prayer, and showing yourself approved unto God, our staff and faculty encourage you to “Start Right, Stay Right, and Finish Right,” in the service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May the strength and blessings of God be yours in pursuit of this exceptional spiritual and academic journey!

In His Service, President Michael Allen