Who We Are

Comprehensive Christian Education And Spiritual Development

In response to a conscientious inward desire to advance men and women through an all-inclusive curriculum of the Word of God, the foundation of this institution was established. In 1995, Ministers Internship Program (MIP) was birthed by the Chancellor, Dr. Michael A. Freeman, who is also the Senior Pastor of the Faith City Central (FCC). He was prompted by the Spirit of God and his love for the people of God to create a sequential educational prospectus for men and women who acknowledged a call of God on their lives. This vehicle of preparation was one of the tools to help facilitate the vision that God had given Dr. Freeman to meet the needs of the “whole man.”

The first classes were held in the auditorium of Anacostia High School, in the southeast corridor of Washington, DC. The participants, pastoral staff members, including the first lady of Faith City Central, Dr. DeeDee, as well as others in leadership positions, received a formal invitation to attend. From September through June, a class of 68 students was taught by Dr. Freeman, Elder Barry Taylor and Pastor Rick Wooten, members of the pastoral staff, while the administrative staff comprised of four team leaders.

By 1997, the program expanded to three separate modules, MIP I, II, and III and Associate Pastor Kevin Adams was appointed as the Dean of MIP. In September 2003, the institution was renamed Spirit of Faith Bible Institute (SOFBI) and became a proud affiliate member of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). In June 2024, SOFBI became Faith City Bible Insitute, to continue to honor the leadership and direction of our Founder and Chancellor.

Faith City Bible Institute (FCBI), seeks to provide students with a thorough and comprehensive Christian education and the opportunity to develop a strong commitment and devotion to the Lord. SOFBI’s programs emphasize spiritual growth and development, as well as preparation for service. Classes always begin with prayer and students are always encouraged to begin and end their day with personal devotion and meditation. In addition, students demonstrate their spiritual growth and development by participating in the Student Ministry Practicum Program, which gives them an opportunity to apply the principles they have learned in class to real-life situations.

This program allows them to see their spiritual growth, as well as instilling in them a commitment to personal accountability. Throughout the academic year, special programs are held that promote spiritual growth in the lives of the students. In particular, the bi-annual FCBI Chancellor's Leaders of Excellence Forum are designed to exhort students in the Word of God. These forums are led by ministry leaders and/or special guest speakers selected by the FCBI Leadership Team. This time of exhortation and encouragement are held at Faith City Central and broadcast privately to our students around the world.

Today, the faculty and administrative staff consists of FCBI alumni and partners of FCC. To date, over 1,000 students have been conferred with the Diploma of Ministerial Studies. FCBI has more than a decade of experience in providing its training online, making its programs accessible worldwide and impacting every corner of the earth as a result.

As these and other programs and initiatives come into fruition, Faith City Bible Institute will continue to exemplify our motto: “Building Anointed Leaders”!