How to Deepen Your Faith

How to Deepen Your Faith

With all that’s going on in the world, it can be easy to let your faith waiver and question Him. However, with a little perseverance, you can actually deepen your faith in God as you walk through this world and share your Christian values. At Spirit of Faith Bible Institute in Maryland, we are here to help you serve Him.



So simple, yet so hard. As Jeremiah 29:11 says, God wants to prosper us, not harm us. It is difficult to remember that God has a plan for us and not to wander off on our own. Remove doubt from your heart and replace it with belief and trust in Him.



Daily prayer has such power! It invites God into our everyday lives and it eases our burden by sharing it with Him. Lifting ourselves up to Him releases us from worrying, fears, and burdens. He is there to take care of us in every way.


Read the Bible

Reading the Bible is a source of comfort, especially the Psalms where King David cried out to the Lord. Immersing yourself in God's word is incredibly calming and you start to know and trust His plan for you. You can join a Bible study group to help interpret the word of God and understand the message He has for you.



It is our duty as Christians to serve the Lord and others. It can be as simple as extending our hand to help escort someone across the street, offering a cup of tea, or volunteering at a mission. And we can pray, especially when we’re struggling to get along with someone.

Spirit of Faith Bible Institute strives to develop strong Christian servant-leaders and prepare them for service globally that will help transform society. Contact us today for more information.