How To Form a Deeper Relationship With God

How To Form a Deeper Relationship With God

The relationship we have with God is the most important one we will ever have. It's a relationship that can give us hope, strength, and peace in difficult times. It's a relationship that can change our lives for the better. Here at SOFBI, our mission is to produce anointed leaders who are equipped and trained to carry out their God-ordained assignments that come from their deep relationship with God, and if you're looking for a Bible college, contact us.

If you're hoping to form a deeper relationship with God, here are some things you can do:

church group praying

Pray Regularly

This is how you talk to God and let Him know what's going on in your life. You can pray anytime, anywhere - in the car, at work, before bed. Just take a few minutes each day to talk to God and tell Him what's on your mind.

woman reading the bible

Read the Bible

This is how you hear from God. By reading the Bible, you can learn about God's character, His will for your life, and how to live a life that pleases Him. You don't have to read the whole Bible at once - just start with one book (like John) and work your way through it.

woman in church

Find a Bible-Believing Church

A good church will teach you about God and help you grow in your faith. It's a great place to meet other believers and make friends who can support you in your walk with God.

people serving the community

Serve Others

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to serve others. When you help others, you're showing God's love in a practical way. You can serve at a local soup kitchen, visit people in the hospital, or tutor a child in reading. There are endless ways to serve, so find one that fits your talents and interests.

These are just a few things you can do to form a deeper relationship with God. By taking these steps, you'll be on your way to a richer, more fulfilling faith life. If you're looking to deepen your relationship through attending a bible college, contact Spirit of Faith Bible Institute today.