The Importance of Daily Devotions

The Importance of Daily Devotions

Daily devotions are the act of spending quiet time with God. They are usually finished with reading the Bible and reflecting on its message, prayer, or meditating on what was just read. This strengthens the relationship we have with God. Spirit of Faith Bible Institute encourages its students to do daily devotionals and track their progress in a spiritual journal.


We Gain Wisdom

Taking time out of every day, we gain wisdom and understanding in His word. In order to recognize a counterfeit, it is best to study the real thing so we are not as easily duped. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32, NIV.


Devotions As Discipline

Spiritual discipline makes us stronger, helps us to know God, and ensures that we stay connected to Him. Just like you would train to keep your body healthy, daily devotions are keeping us strong spiritually as well.



When we feel hopeless, overwhelmed, anxious, or lonely, devotion can give us an immediate sense of peace. Finding a passage in the Bible applicable to your situation can bring you some much needed peace in your heart. They help us to remember that no matter what is going on in the world, God holds it all in His hands.


Spiritual Growth

Devotions are a great place to get inspiration in your walk with God. When you read different passages, you can meditate on the teachings and find ways to apply them in your life. Keeping a journal to track your spiritual journey will allow you to track your progress along your journey.

Though it may seem daunting at first, the more you practice daily devotions, the easier it will become! If you find yourself needing some accountability, a bible study group is a great way to stay on track. Spirit of Faith Bible Institute is here to help guide you on your journey — contact us for more information if you’re interested in becoming a servant-leader through Christ.