CLêF Notes

Save the Date for April 9th, 2024

November 2023- Apostle's Impartation

We had an amazing meeting with Dr. Michael Freeman on Tuesday, November 14th. During the forum, our founder and chancellor share principles to continually build us as leadership influencers. Below are a few takeaways from our time together:

  1. Leaders inject vision and values into their spheres of influence.
  2. Leaders have a forward-progress posture to fulfill their purpose, and direction with a clear understanding of the responsibilities bestowed upon them.
  3. Leaders must navigate between emotional intelligence and spiritual principles.
  4. Provide leadership in your home, job, and place of business, etc.

April 2023 - Pastor’s Series of Lessons on Divine Alignment

Principles of Perspectives:

  • Perspectives take charge and control of everyone’s point of view
  • We have the synoptic gospels based on the perspectives of the writers
  • Depression is the fruit of wrong perspectives

God has a unique perspective - from a bird’s eye view:

  • He rejoices your today, because He knows your tomorrow

Genesis 8:22 –

  • This law of seed, time, and harvest gives us a cutting edge - if your perspective is right, your seed is setting you up for later
  • If you don’t like what you are receiving, check your seed
  • True success is found in one who stretches their perspective about tomorrow
  • Get a view of the consequences before you sow the seed!
  • The devil does not want you to have a view of the consequences

Good Leaders have a perspective to live a spirit-filled life – If not, where would they be?

Galatians 6:8-10

You have to have the perspective of “what I am doing now will pay off”

Judge your “Now” –

  • How faithful are you in your now?
  • What is ministering to you that your tomorrow is going to be better based on today?

Good leaders audit their lives – Audit your life

  • Identify where you may be falling short,
  • Reconcile your thoughts coming in and going out
  • Inquire within - Ask God what He wants you to pray about

December 2022

  • Good Leaders desire to finish/fulfill their God-ordained assignment.
  • John 4:34 ⁃ 2
  • Tim 4:7
  • God sends help to keep his leader on course/track/assignment.
  • 2 Samuel 12:13-14
  • Be acquainted with He, Him, Holy Spirit. We must distinctly hear His voice (rhema word) for navigation to finish our course. The logos word (i.e. written 66 books of the Bible) is not enough to live a fulfilling life. See Adam, and Noah didn’t have the written word, only God’s voice.
  • John 16:7
  • John 16:13. Spirit of truth is the guide
  • The helper, Holy Spirit, gives us the upper hand.
  • John 15:26: the Spirit of Truth will always testify of Jesus.
  • John 14:6; 14:16-17. Truth gives us the advantage in life.
  • The truth shares with us the components of the What, the Why, and the How in accomplishing the assignment. The word and his spirit are one.
  • John 10:27; 10:3-4: my sheep know my voice.
  • Preparation is key to receiving the assignment. The What, the Why, and the How to prepare you for the assignment provided by His voice.
  • Psalm 78:72: leaders will shepherd the sheep according to the
  • Integrity/genuine/uprightness/pureness of their heart.

Take time to spend time listening to Holy Spirit about your assignment.